Carvana Prepares for Expansion Into Cabarrus County

In September 2019, we announced Carvana’s plans to locate a new inspection and reconditioning facility in Cabarrus County, providing Cabarrus County with an investment of $35 million that will significantly benefit our local taxpayers. Since then, Carvana has made great strides toward fulfilling their commitment to the county.

Carvana, a leading e-commerce platform for buying and selling used cars, aimed to create 304 jobs in Cabarrus County with an average wage of $40,500 annually. During recent hiring events with the NC Works Career Center in Concord, Carvana met with 525 applicants and made 317 job offers, exceeding their initial commitment by 13 jobs and proving that Cabarrus County has the workforce that companies are looking for. These full-time positions come with full benefits and the opportunity to advance within the company, providing exceptional career options in the automotive industry and making a significant impact on the lives of Cabarrus County citizens who currently work multiple part-time jobs.
“That’s jobs. And that’s what economic development is about, getting jobs, getting the tax base in here,” noted County Commissioner Lynn Shue during the Board’s most recent meeting on February 17. “Robby Carney and his staff there, they’re continually working, not just in the United States but globally, to bring industry and manufacturing jobs here. It puts our people in a better position, and it puts us in a better position because of the tax revenue.”
County Commissioner Blake Kiger also emphasized his excitement over our recent economic growth: “We’re sitting in a very good spot to have a lot of good growth, a lot of good economic development, a lot of companies that want to come and do business here, and we’re excited to have them.”
We’d like to thank the Board of Commissioners for their support of our economic development projects and their understanding of the benefits they bring to Cabarrus County. As Commissioner Shue put it, “If we don’t do it, the other ones will. We’re constantly competing against surrounding counties.” With the help and support of Cabarrus County residents, we’ll continue to win bids with great companies like Carvana and enjoy the benefits for years to come.
>> Read the original announcement about Carvana’s future facility in Concord, North Carolina.